I lost my father to complications from pneumonia and diabetes in 2009.

 I felt like the rug was pulled from underneath me, everything that I once knew or believed in was either taken away or just shifted. I found myself in a crisis, an identity crisis. For the first time in a long time I didn’t know who or what I was anymore outside of being my father’s daughter.

Yes, I will admit I was a “Daddy’s girl”.

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us."

Henry Stanley Haskins 

There was a disconnect that I experienced and I was  not prepared in handling what would occur after the death of a parent.  In 2010, In search for some sort of help with grieving and the constant nagging question that haunted me daily “Who are You?”  I was diagnosed with clinical depression and anxiety. This traumatic event(my father’s death) would put me on a journey to rediscover and reconnect with who I use to be and who I was becoming.  

So here I am, opening up myself and  sharing with you what “golden nuggets” I’ve learned,what I struggle with and how I have overcome some of the obstacles with this diagnosis.

My hope for you is that you will be encouraged and inspired to forgive,heal, and love yourself.  To learn to smile again and find the humor in this so called life and become an optimistic believer  once more,that anything is possible. 

Stay in Touch


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